Updating Account Information
  • 13 Dec 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Updating Account Information

  • Dark

Article summary

We strongly recommend updating your account settings and profile settings information immediately after your account is activated. Updating both these sections on InsightGig is relatively simple and only requires a few minutes. In this article, let's see how you can easily do so!

Updating account settings 

The account settings section (direct link here) contains your contact information. It can be accessed by clicking the circular profile icon on the top right, next to the Inbox hyperlink and choosing account settings. Initially, the circular icon will contain two letters (first letter of your first and last name). Once you upload your profile picture, the letters will be replaced by the picture. 

The account settings section contains the following fields in order.    

  1. Contact Details 
    1. Email address
    2. Phone number
    3. Zoom Meeting ID (Learn more)
    4. Calendly link (Learn more)
    5. LinkedIn profile link
    6.  Website link
  2.  Password

Instructions for filling each section are provided on the respective fields. Once you have filled them, do not forget to click Save changes at the bottom of the screen! 

Good to know
The details in the Contact Details section are private to you and many are optional. Certain features which use these fields are under development. To get access to those features, it is advisable to keep all the fields updated.

Prompt for password
If you update sensitive information such as email ID, you will need to provide your password again for authentication.

If you would like to change your current password, you can enter a new one in the password section. Once you enter your new password, the on screen instructions will guide you further. 

Verifying email address

If you had missed verifying your email earlier, your profile will show you a warning message. 

If you cannot access the verification mail sent while creating your account or if it has expired, you can click on 'Resend verification email' link and follow the instructions to verify your email.  

Updating profile settings 

The profile settings section (direct link here) allows you to update information like your name, picture etc. It can be accessed by clicking the circular profile icon on the top right, next to the Inbox hyperlink.


In this section, you can update the following information. 

  1. Profile picture (Max size of 5MB. JPG, PNG or GIF format)
  2. First and Last name
  3. Date of birth
  4. Time zone
  5. Name and type of company (and)
  6. Country of residence

Once you have filled them, do not forget to click Save changes at the bottom of the screen!

Good to know
Your user profile information is used at different places on the platform. For example, your picture is attached to your profile 

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